End on Begining – Chicago

One of my favorite songs of the moment is “End of Beginning” by Djo. I think it conveys a beautiful message of coming back home with the ones you love. Besides this, I lived in Chicago for two years and I consider it one of my favorite places on earth. I used to go to YiaYo all the time because they have the best orange chicken and boba you will ever try. I also love the lake, and Navy Pier. It is a peaceful place for me. As you walk towards the suburbs, you will encounter “Little Village” also now as Little Mexico because everyone you meet there is Latino. No one knows Spanish and they have the best Mexican Food.

Dark- One of the best shows I’ve seen

I have done a lot of watching over the years and I love trhiller, as well as horror and suspense. I have been watching the show for the past month, and I am hooked. I am at the beginning of season 2 but I already have so many questions and I just feel like I need to keep watching. If anyone else is having the same reaction let me know!

Social Media Posts – Do’s and Don’ts

I recently posted a video on TikTok. It was supposed to go viral but after two week, it only has one view. I know. So here are the things I would have done differently:

According to “Made to Stick” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, an idea will sitck if it’s simple, short, and has a meaning behind. How does this apply to social media? Content that is short, simple, and meaningful engages an audience faster than a big idea with big words. My video was long, boring and even thought it had a meaning behind, it was lost in all the boringness. To make it better this time, I will focus on a simple and short idea that will engage people from the beginning.

Most Powerfull Social Media

Upon asked which social media platform is the most powerfull ten years ago I would have said Facebook.

Today, I will say: “It depends”. It depends on the audience, the message, the goal, etc. With this in mind, I still think a platform like Facebook (which is the pioneer for the upcoming ones) is very complete as it has messaging tools, videos, images, text, freidns, etc. With this in mind I still think there are many platforms out there that after replicationg what Facebook has and making their SEO better, they have been able to attract more people over the years. TikTok is a great example of this, the social media platforms has millions of user accounts and visits daily, all because they are a short-video platform wit the best SEO today.

Doctrine and Covenants 4:1–3 – Embark in Service.

The most important requirement to serve God, is to be willing to lose ourselves in His Work. He asks that we serve with all out might, mind, heart, and strength. In a way, He is saying that because everything we have is because of Him, if we have a desire to give back, this is how.

Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

It is hard to put all our might, mind, heart, and strength in the service of God because we are in a carnal state in which we lean into tempration and sin. However, we are not hopeless thanks to Jesus Christ who allows us to have Grace.

How do I get introduced to new music?

The person that would introduce me to new music when I was a little girl was my father. Even thought he did not know English very well, he would listen to a lot of The Beatles at home and that is how I learned more about american music in the 2000’s. Because of my father, my taste in music is wide and particular. We both enjoy traditional Mexican music from the 80’s and 90’s as well as hits from the 2000’s. All of this has created a weird muxture of music.

How Music Saved my Life

My piano and singing lessons began when I was about seven years old. My mother comes from a family of musicians and my father knows piano since he is fourteen, so my and my siblings were force to take on our musical side very early on. I sey we were forced because my sister wanted a pet, my brother wanted to play videogames, and I just wanted to be happy; but taking piano lessong was not going to solve any of those problems, or so I thought.

I took piano lessons until I was about 13 years old, and from there, my parents told us it was our time to keep learning for ourselves. So when the piano leasons were over, I was the happiest kid. I had more time in my hands and I could chose no to practice. As time went by, a part of me wanted to go back to music but I did not want to give my parents that gift because I was prideful.

Finally, when I was about sixteen, I began having questions about life and death and everything in between. I did not know what was real anymore and my emotional health was bad. It was the first time in my life I had a strong desire to play piano all for myself. Nuvole Bianche by Ludovico Einaudi. Leson the song took me four months but it was a healing experience. Music helped tame the brokeness inside of me and allowed me to transfer my emotions to something healthy.

Noadays, I use music to sooth my soul, clear my mind, and channel my emotions to something beautiful. I am currently learning The Tearsmith. I will always encourage others to learn an instrument and play often because music saved my life.

Writing a Video Script

 How would you explain the significance of having a video script or storyboard to an employer who doesn’t know what it is?

Writing a video script is an amazing step in the video process that will allow anyone to sucessfully create a video that engages your audiences and achieves Marketing goals.

A video script is a peace of written content that allows you to prepare for the video by writing a transcript of the audio, visuals, and narration as well as characters included. A video script should be written before gathering all the material and creating the actual video. During the video script there should be peer review and feedback to have a final draft before getting to action. Once the video script is ready, it is the perfect time to start preparing for the creation of the video.

A video script is important to make sense of different ideas and organize information that will flow. Once, it is time to create the actual video, having a video script will make everything easier and it will save you a lot of time.

What did I learn writing a video script that you didn’t know before?

As I wrote my video script and received feedback I was able to learn many script tactics that are essential for a good video script like transitions, adding music, and words for each section. At first it was harder than I thought to come up with an idea and write it down to make sense of it. However, as I kept writing, it was easier for me to convey the message I had in mind. It helped me develop more confidence on my ideas and having them make sense as I write them.

After my work was reviewed , I received feedback take from AI which in a way was helpful. Having a machine review your work and giving feedback is a refreshing way of having a different view. From AI’s perspective I could consider making some shots longer to give the main character more attention and time to introduce.

In conclusion, By writing a video script I learn how to make sense of ideas by writing them down even when they don’t connect at first, and I also learn and power of AI in writing matters and receiving a new perspective of a work or project.

Article of Faith 13 – We believe in being Honest

The articles of faith is a list of 13 statement beliefs written by Joseph Smith back in 1830 that describe the basic beliefs that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have. Now, members of the church strive to abide by them.

The 13th article states: “We believe in being honest, true, chastebenevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuouslovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”

This applies to any aspect of my life, including the type of content I consume and/or create. There is a very tihn line between doing what is right and doing what is wrong nowadays. Many things that are ethically wrong, may be perceived as normal because they have become common amongst people. For example, plagarizying a picture, or a text from an original post without giving credit to the original author. When using Social Media, this becomes even more normal because there are no regulations to filtern information’s authenticity.

Being honest to others and one self is a hard thing to to in this generation, but the reward can be big for those who follow through. Like the article says, “If there is anything virtuouslovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Articles of Faith. Pearl of Great Price, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/pgp/a-of-f/1?lang=eng.