Compasionate Journalism

Quote by Joseph Smith: “When persons manifest the least kindness and love to me, O what pow’r it has over my mind. . . . The nearer we get to our heavenly Father, the more are we dispos’d to look with compassion on perishing souls—[we feel that we want] to take them upon our shoulders and cast their sins behind our back . . . if you would have God have mercy on you, have mercy on one another.”

  • How do you think the quote above relates to news writing?

In a world where Journalism look to dehumanize people and society more and more, I think it is important to change the perspective and develop more empathy and compassion for others. A story that will attract people now adays will contain difamation, and very personal facts about other. It seem slike nobody’s lives are private anymore. The quote above is a great reminder of the consequences of being a good fellow and considering being nice to other when writing about them.

Therapy – Benefits

I have been going to therapy since I am 16 years old. It has been on and fof but I always come back. Have tou ever heard the phrase “I go to therapy because of the people who don’t”? I do not beleive the quote is completely right. Althought there instances in which it is important to receive professional help because of some sort of abuse in a relationship or similar, I also think, every individual should take theraphy at least once in their life.

I grew up with a big tabu about therapy and how it was only for the crazy people who belonged in a mental clinic. This is the reason I never told anyone I was going to therapy, but after a few years, it became more normalized, and I felt free to talk about it. Today many people have normalized it and encourage other. If you are someone who is looing into it but is still ashamed to ask questions and do not where to go I have a few recommendations that can be helpful.

There are many therapists out there, but it is important to find the right onw for you. They can focus on different things and some may be more empathetic towards specific situations than others. I also think is important to lead your discussions rather than waiting for a miracle to happen. You are the main charcter in your entire healing story and that means taking control of sessions, coming up with things to do, etc.

After more than ten years in therpay myself, I can confidently say that therapy has been a life saver in many instances during my life, and that it has helped me heal many emotional wound I developed from when I was a little girl. Everybody is broken in one way or another because nobody is perfect, but therapy can definitely be a game changer for those who are ready to step out and become the best versions of themselves.

Consistent Writing – Benefits

How has frequent blog writing impacted you so far? I have been doing this school assignment for about three weeks, in which I am given a prompt to write about each day. It is a little complicated sometimes to come up with ideas and let the writing flow. My mind will block, and I stop writing for a while.

Things that have helped me develope better writing and bettwe flow are reading a lot. Reading in a way has opened my mind to new ideas and concepts that are to write and explain when I have spent some time studying them.

Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley – “Each of us can do a little better

Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley: “Each of us can do a little better than we have been doing. We can be a little more kind. We can be a little more merciful. We can be a little more forgiving. We can put behind us our weaknesses of the past, and go forth with new energy and increased resolution to improve the world about us, in our homes, in our places of employment, in our social activities.”

After reading Atomic Habits by James Clear, I have learned that by doing something for at least one minute everyday, by the end of the year, you become better at that one thing by 38%. How cool is that? I beleive this can also be applied to any habit or pinciple we are wanting to master. For example, if we want to become nicer, we need to practive by being nice to at least one person everyday, and after 365 days, we will be nicer by 38%. If the math doesn’t add up, all you can take from this post is that doing something everyday even for one minute will help you develop a habit for the rest of your life.

End on Begining – Chicago

One of my favorite songs of the moment is “End of Beginning” by Djo. I think it conveys a beautiful message of coming back home with the ones you love. Besides this, I lived in Chicago for two years and I consider it one of my favorite places on earth. I used to go to YiaYo all the time because they have the best orange chicken and boba you will ever try. I also love the lake, and Navy Pier. It is a peaceful place for me. As you walk towards the suburbs, you will encounter “Little Village” also now as Little Mexico because everyone you meet there is Latino. No one knows Spanish and they have the best Mexican Food.

Dark- One of the best shows I’ve seen

I have done a lot of watching over the years and I love trhiller, as well as horror and suspense. I have been watching the show for the past month, and I am hooked. I am at the beginning of season 2 but I already have so many questions and I just feel like I need to keep watching. If anyone else is having the same reaction let me know!

Social Media Posts – Do’s and Don’ts

I recently posted a video on TikTok. It was supposed to go viral but after two week, it only has one view. I know. So here are the things I would have done differently:

According to “Made to Stick” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, an idea will sitck if it’s simple, short, and has a meaning behind. How does this apply to social media? Content that is short, simple, and meaningful engages an audience faster than a big idea with big words. My video was long, boring and even thought it had a meaning behind, it was lost in all the boringness. To make it better this time, I will focus on a simple and short idea that will engage people from the beginning.

Most Powerfull Social Media

Upon asked which social media platform is the most powerfull ten years ago I would have said Facebook.

Today, I will say: “It depends”. It depends on the audience, the message, the goal, etc. With this in mind, I still think a platform like Facebook (which is the pioneer for the upcoming ones) is very complete as it has messaging tools, videos, images, text, freidns, etc. With this in mind I still think there are many platforms out there that after replicationg what Facebook has and making their SEO better, they have been able to attract more people over the years. TikTok is a great example of this, the social media platforms has millions of user accounts and visits daily, all because they are a short-video platform wit the best SEO today.

Doctrine and Covenants 4:1–3 – Embark in Service.

The most important requirement to serve God, is to be willing to lose ourselves in His Work. He asks that we serve with all out might, mind, heart, and strength. In a way, He is saying that because everything we have is because of Him, if we have a desire to give back, this is how.

Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

It is hard to put all our might, mind, heart, and strength in the service of God because we are in a carnal state in which we lean into tempration and sin. However, we are not hopeless thanks to Jesus Christ who allows us to have Grace.

How do I get introduced to new music?

The person that would introduce me to new music when I was a little girl was my father. Even thought he did not know English very well, he would listen to a lot of The Beatles at home and that is how I learned more about american music in the 2000’s. Because of my father, my taste in music is wide and particular. We both enjoy traditional Mexican music from the 80’s and 90’s as well as hits from the 2000’s. All of this has created a weird muxture of music.