Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley: “Each of us can do a little better than we have been doing. We can be a little more kind. We can be a little more merciful. We can be a little more forgiving. We can put behind us our weaknesses of the past, and go forth with new energy and increased resolution to improve the world about us, in our homes, in our places of employment, in our social activities.”
After reading Atomic Habits by James Clear, I have learned that by doing something for at least one minute everyday, by the end of the year, you become better at that one thing by 38%. How cool is that? I beleive this can also be applied to any habit or pinciple we are wanting to master. For example, if we want to become nicer, we need to practive by being nice to at least one person everyday, and after 365 days, we will be nicer by 38%. If the math doesn’t add up, all you can take from this post is that doing something everyday even for one minute will help you develop a habit for the rest of your life.